Disrupting the Disciplines

Comparison of Decoding and Disrupting guiding questions.
Decoding/Disrupting Steps Decoding questions Disrupting questions
Step 1 Bottlenecks Where is a bottleneck where students struggle to learn in my course or field? Where is my field upholding colonialism/racism? What is one component of my discipline where I can identify colonial or racist structures or processes at work? And that I feel prepared to delve into?
Step 2 Decoding/Disrupting What does the specialist do to get through the bottleneck? What is the “mental move?” What can I imagine doing differently? What kind of thinking or doing (or being) are we aiming for?
Step 3 Modeling/Teaching Presentation What narratives, analogies, or metaphors will I use to model and meta-explain the mental move? What narratives, analogies, or metaphors will model or center indigenous or anti-racist views?
Step 4 Student Practice How will the students practice the mental move? How will I scaffold it for them? What do I have the students practice?
Step 5 Motivation/Resistance Where do the students resist? Are there emotional and identity bottlenecks that interfere with learning the mental move? What will motivate persistence to use the new mental move? Where do students resist? What anti-racist/indigenous pedagogies will I use?
Step 6 Assessment How can I check that students have grasped the new mental move? How do I assess anti-racist and anti-colonialist thinking?
Step 7 Sharing Where can I disseminate the analysis and reflection on the bottleneck lesson? Where do I share what we learned from analysis and reflection on the disrupting process?

Middendorf, J., Comfort, R., Askew, D., & Carter, S. (2024). Disrupting pedagogies: Translating Disrupting into instructional strategies. In R. Attas & M. Yeo (Eds.), Disrupting the Disciplines: New Directions for Teaching and Learning (pp. xx-xx). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.